Changing roles and skills sets for intranet teams
There is no doubt that the skills, knowledge, and experience needed within intranet teams is changing, but what exactly are the skill sets in demand?
There is no doubt that the skills, knowledge, and experience needed within intranet teams is changing, but what exactly are the skill sets in demand?
It’s early days yet, and our early-bird tickets are still on sale (but will sell out next week) – but here are some of the job titles of attendees already. Created with Hover your mouse cursor over any title that seems too small to read. Remember, attendess are not really attendees – if you […]
Get your ticket now to secure the best price. Take a look at our line up of speakers, and consider leading an afternoon discussion session.
Announcing our gold sponsors who, with our platinum sponsor, are helping us create a great intranet conference in October 2015.
Invotra, the software services company behind the Invotra intranet platform, has sponsored the Intranet Now conference for 2015.
You can now view and download all the presentations and the best 75 photos from the 500+ on Flickr.
We have a large slice of intranet wisdom at Intranet Now in the form of Gerry McGovern, Martin White and Sam Marshall. I have the pleasure of talking with Denise Cox about their work at a Newsweaver webinar on Wednesday, the 13th August. In the webinar I will tour some of the published thoughts of these three speakers.
We sold out of our early-bird special offer tickets in two weeks. Now, with less than five weeks until the conference, you should pop the day in your diary and join us for all things intranet.
The Digital Workplace Group is sponsoring our Intranet Now conference and the after-event drinks.
We’ve got a great venue, and you won’t have to walk far to find the pub, as once Intranet Now finishes around 5pm, we’ll all be up the road at The Union bar. Thanks to the DWG.