
23 February, 2024

The need for diversity and collaboration in coding and design

We're pleased to have Gerry McGovern writing a guest post on the the need for diversity and collaboration in coding and design. This year we have worked hard to get more women on stage at Intranet Now and after we announce final speakers this week will will have more women on the agenda than men [...]
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Comms pro vs. community manager
23 February, 2024

Enterprise social networks aren’t for your broadcast internal communications

You may have heard that employees prefer a messy social network over a rigidly controlled (or dead) intranet. Enterprise social networks are no longer about posting ‘status updates’, rather, they’re about connecting to team mates, and contributing to collaborative communities to achieve shared business goals. Intranet managers and internal communication professionals need to shift their […]

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23 February, 2024

Is it really so difficult to create an intranet that your employees genuinely want to use? – Guest article from Tom Gillman

In a perfect world we dream of an intranet solution that empowers employees to find answers faster, work smarter, self-serve, personalise, collaborate and always know what the ‘special of the day’ is in the staff restaurant by mid-morning. Oh and it helps streamline the business, cut costs and spreads the good word of the board […]

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