
Meet people like you, with our themed conference stickers

A good part of the Intranet Now conference (7th June, London) is about conversation and connecting. We’ve built in more time for questons and contributions, and that’s why everyone is a participant rather than an ‘attendee’.

To make it easier to say ‘hello’ to someone, we encourage delegates to pop a sticker of their choice onto their fine selves.

I might suggest that the elemental nature of the stickers could mean that Air people (classic communicators!) could look out for fellow Airs, but I could just as easily suggest that Airs should seek out Earth people (classic builders!).

But it’s all just a bit of fun, and if you’re not sure if you’re an Air, Fire, Water, or Earth type, then you can plump for a Star.

Star — the combining force of all elements!

Air — pure thought, communication, and ideals.

Fire — action, creation, and momentum.

Water — empathic, in the flow, dedication.

Earth — stable, growth, calm.

All good qualities for anyone working with people and systems, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Check our agenda, filled with in-house comms and intranet practitioners, infamous digital workplace consultants, and expert technologists — and then grab your tickets.

There’s not long to go, and Lisa and I would love to welcome you (regardless of your sticker choice).

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