Our speakers are a part of our community and several are first-time speakers. If a lightning talk whets your appetite, be sure to connect with the speaker during the afternoon ‘table talk’ sessions and breaks.

Fintan Galvin
CEO, Invotra

John Baptiste-Kelly
Intranet Product Manger, Wellcome Trust

Melissa Masterton
Head of Internal Communications and Engagement, The AA

Kelly Freeman
Intranet Strategist, Interact.

Hannah Moss
Group Communications Manager, Willmott Dixon

Martin Stubbs-Partridge
Communications Officer, Scottish Natural Heritage

Simon Hudson
Director, Cloud2

Martin Hutchinson
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Kurt Kragh Sørensen
Owner and Digital Workplace Consultant, IntraTeam

Greig Rutherford
Global Head of Digital Communications, Standard Life Aberdeen

James Mowatt
Senior Consultant, WM Reply

Annette Corbett
Digital Content Manager

Charles Fenoughty
Digital Media Director, Sequel Group

Mark Owen
Intranet Manager, Affinity Water

Jon Ingham
Consultant, author of The Social Organization.

Tanya Burak
Director, Internal Communications, Savills

Jamie Garrett
Key Accounts Manager, Invotra

Tony Stewart
Head of Digital, scarlettabbott